Elettromagnetismo.Elementi di Fisica Meccanica e Termodinamica. be able to understand other topics in General Physics not covered in this - Ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online.be able to communicate in a simple but rigorous way the acquired knowledge in Physics to other colleagues as well as to non-experts.be able to choose the proper model to describe a physical phenomenon and be aware of the degree of approximation adopted.be able to schematize a natural phenomenon and to apply correctly basic physical laws to solve simple problems in mechanics.have acquired a good knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts in Physics and a method of logical and rigorous approach to a physical problem.Waves in elastic media: longitudinal and transverse waves, mathematical description of wave propagation, harmonic waves, D'Alembert equation, vibrating string, elastic waves in a bar and in a gas, interference, beats, standing waves, Doppler effect.

Dynamics of a system of particles: external and internal forces, momentum of the system, first cardinal equation of the dynamics, isolated system and conservation of momentum, motion of the center of mass, collisions.Work, energy, momentum: definition of work, theorem of kinetic energy, work of the weight, work of the elastic force, conservative forces, potential energy, mechanical energy, momentum and impulse, torque, angular momentum.Dynamics of a point particle: Newton’s laws, concept of force, weight force, constraint reaction forces, sliding friction, viscous friction, elastic force, harmonic motion, the simple pendulum, inertial and non-inertial frames of reference, fictitious forces.Kinematics of a point particle: motion in one and more dimensions, relative motions, vectorial composition of velocities.Generale elettromagnetismo pdf Original file name. Problemi di fisica generale meccanica e termodinamica. Elementi Di Fisica (Meccanica e Termodinamica). Mazzoldi Nigro Voci - Fisica 2.pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf). Link to document download page (short link) HTML code - Use this code to share your document on a Website, a Weblog or your Myspace profile pdf document: Mazzoldi-Nigro-Voci - Fisica Vol 1 - Meccanica e Termodinamica.pdf BB-Code - Use this code to share your document on a Forum community - Permanent link to this document download page Comments.